"We can come to understand why and how to cultivate compassion within us, which has the capacity for healing and reorganizing our minds such that we can begin to become the people we want to be."
Compassion is a consciousness of another’s suffering paired with the desire to alleviate their suffering. Compassion develops strength and resilience in suffering and allows people to make a positive impact in their mental health, personal relationships, professional goals, and the world. Compassion can significantly reduce distress in difficult situations and become an invaluable resource in difficult situations. Once people put in the initial work to begin cultivating compassion, it can become the foundation for all feelings, motivations, and actions.
All humans have the capacity for compassion, but whether we nurture compassion or numb it depends on our actions and environments. Compassion is an asset, that, like all other skills can be fostered with practice and patience. The Compassion Cultivation Training program was created at Stanford by a team of contemplative scholars, clinical psychologists, and researchers. The program integrates mindfulness and traditional contemplative practices with contemporary psychology and scientific research on compassion in order to give individuals the tools they need to continually practice compassion.
"I am more able to step outside of myself and see situations from a broader perspective."
"It was especially helpful for me to learn how to ease others' suffering through compassion, rather than just taking it as my own."
"CCT has made we aware of how to be more compassionate toward people I do not know and would have a tendency to judge."